Cross-Cultural Ministry
The Bible tells us that God’s plan has been to save people “out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9). His church foreshadows the fulfilment of that plan. At Northreach we have the opportunity to connect with people and many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, ministering into and through Townsville’s cultural diversity.
It is a joy for us to welcome to our fellowship followers of Jesus from many different parts of the world. Many have joined us having come to Australia as refugees from Burma and various parts of Africa. Northreach runs services in three languages, English, Sgaw Karen and Mandarin Chinese and we hold classes in conversational English as a mean of bridging language barriers and connecting with people.
At Northreach we strive to welcome people of diverse cultures and minister to their particular needs. But we also look to engage them in ministry and learn from their experience. As a culturally diverse church we look to use our diversity to reach out to the community of Townsville and demonstrate that there is unity in Jesus.
There are many more formal ways in which you can get involved in our cross-cultural work at Northreach. There are also great opportunities to informally fellowship with people of different languages, cultures and backgrounds.

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor fee, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28)