24/7 Prayer starts June 6, 2022. Together we will pray around the clock for God to move in power across our state. I encourage you to pray 1 hour a day. Gather your church to pray for 1 day (or part thereof) and join with other churches in your region to pray together on 1 night this week.
I have been encouraged and challenged this week as I reflected on the early church and their dependence on prayer. As they prayed together in the upper room, they had no status in society or worldly power to rely on. All they could do was pray. As they gathered together in prayer, the Holy Spirit was poured out and they shared the gospel for the first time with people who had called for Jesus to be crucified. They prayed. They were empowered. They spoke the word of God boldly and 3000 people were saved in one day.
As Peter and John walked to the temple for their afternoon prayers, they met a man who had been crippled since birth begging for money. They had no silver or gold to give him. All they could do was pray. They boldly asked in the name of Jesus for healing and a man in his 40s got up off his mat and walked for the first time in his life. When they were told by the powers that be, not to mention the name of Jesus again, all they could do was pray. They gathered together again and prayed once more for God to move by His sovereign power. It was some prayer meeting. “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly”. (Acts 4:31)
When all they could do was pray, the power of God was poured out and they spoke the word of God boldly. You may be going through a season when it feels like all you can do is pray. It’s not such a bad place to be. When all you can do is pray, God moves in power, and fills us with boldness to reach out to a world in need.
As we cry out in 24/7 prayer together next week, I believe God will empower us by His Spirit to reach out with His love to a world in need and share His Good News with boldness. I am looking forward to hearing the stories of what God does.
To access the 24/7 Prayer week resources please go to qbhub.qb.org.au/24-7-prayer-week.
Jason Elsmore
Director of the Queensland Baptist Movement

Prayer Meeting
Join us for Prayer and Worship Tuesday, June 7, 7 - 8pm.
We would like to thank Queensland Baptists for providing this plan.
For more information, please visit: QB Hub24/7 Prayer Week - QB Hub